The NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center is a nonprofit organization specializing in paper-based conservation, digital imaging, audio reformatting, and preservation services.
Our mission is to improve the conservation and preservation efforts of libraries, archives, historical organizations, museums, and other repositories; to provide the highest quality services to institutions without in-house conservation facilities or those that seek specialized expertise; and to provide leadership in the preservation and conservation fields.
NEDCC fulfills its mission by:
- making available laboratory services for paper and book conservation as well as digital services;
- making available expertise for surveys, workshops, educational programs, consultation, publications, and Web tools on preservation in order to help institutions improve their collections care programs;
- providing disaster response, emergency assistance, and help with disaster planning and mitigation;
- playing a role in the training of conservators by providing advanced internships and supporting continuing education opportunities for its own conservation staff;
- serving as an advocate for preservation by raising public awareness of preservation issues and making preservation a higher priority for collection-holding institutions and for funding agencies;
- developing model programs and preservation strategies with potential for application to other parts of the country.
NEDCC’s staff members have years of experience in the careful handling of some of the nation’s most significant historic materials.
→ Conservators adhere to the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works in all its treatments and programming.
→ Collections Photographers adhere to the FADGI (Federal Agency Digitization Guidelines Initiative) standards for still imaging of cultural heritage materials, ensuring that all aspects of the environment, equipment, workflow, and deliverables meet these rigorous guidelines.
→ Audio Engineers adhere to guidelines set by IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), FADGI, and/or NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) for digitization standards.