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Who We Are and What We Do


The NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center is a nonprofit organization specializing in paper-based conservation, digital imaging, audio reformatting, and preservation services.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, NEDCC is governed by a board of directors comprising state librarians, business leaders, and esteemed colleagues.

Brief History

Founded in 1973, NEDCC is the first independent conservation laboratory in the United States to focus exclusively on paper-based collections. Since its founding, the Center has expanded its services, leading the field in addressing the most complex conservation, preservation, and digitization challenges. Today, NEDCC offers a comprehensive range of services, including the conservation of paper, books, and photographs, as well as digital imaging, audio reformatting, and preservation services.

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What Makes NEDCC Unique  


NEDCC’s staff members have years of experience in the careful handling of some of the nation’s most significant historic materials.

→ Conservators adhere to the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works in all its treatments and programming.

→ Collections Photographers adhere to the FADGI (Federal Agency Digitization Guidelines Initiative) standards for still imaging of cultural heritage materials, ensuring that all aspects of the environment, equipment, workflow, and deliverables meet these rigorous guidelines.

→ Audio Engineers adhere to guidelines set by IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), FADGI, and/or NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) for digitization standards.


The Center’s imaging, conservation, and preservation departments work closely together, providing a level of expertise many times higher than the experience of any one staff member.


Conservation treatment and digitization of original materials are performed at the same facility, minimizing the risks of transporting fragile objects. NEDCC’s facility provides sophisticated security and climate controls.


NEDCC is a trusted source of information on caring for collections, both physical and digital. The Center is a national leader in training on digital preservation and can offer advice on building sustainable digital collections. Through federal and foundation funding, the Center has developed a range of highly regarded preservation aids, including dPlan|ArtsReady, COSTEP, the Preservation Education Curriculum, and Preservation 101.