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Class 13 Lesson Plan
Building a Preservation Program

Resources for the Teacher

Banks, Paul N., and Roberta Pilette, eds. Preservation: Issues and Planning. Chicago: American Library Association, 2000.

Specifically: “Defining the Library Preservation Program: Policies and Organization,” by Carolyn Clark Morrow (pp. 1–27); “Planning for Preservation in Libraries,” by Jutta Reed-Scott (pp. 82–96); “Preservation Program Planning for Archives and Historical Records Repositories,” by Christine Ward (pp. 43–62); “Preservation Programs in High-Use Library Collections,” by Sara R. Williams (pp. 28–42); and “Programs, Priorities, and Funding,” by Margaret Child with Laura Word (pp. 63–81).

This is the key text for this lesson and the overall course. Reed-Scott and Ward are well-known authors and speakers in the field, and Child and Word both speak from the perspective of working for a funding organization and securing funds for preservation projects.

Calvi, Elise, Yvonne Carignan, Liz Dube, and Whitney Paper. The Preservation Manager’s Guide to Cost Analysis. Chicago: American Library Association, 2006.

A recent publication by institutional preservation managers examining the development of preservation work plans, budgets, and cost analysis methods.

Evans, G. Edward, Patricia Layzell Ward, and Bendik Rugaas. Management Basics for Information Professionals. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2000. Chapters 5–7, pp. 115–90.

Neal-Schuman publishes excellent works for brief and useful information in library practices. This book is the revision of an earlier volume, which many consider to be a classic in the field. The chapters highlighted deal specifically with Innovation and Change, Decision Making, and The Planning Process. They lay the groundwork for preservation planning–specific readings.

Hallam, Arlita W., and Teresa R. Dalston. Managing Budgets and Finances: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians and Information Professionals. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2005.

An in-depth look at library budgeting, which includes outsourcing, contracts, and fund-raising and grants.

Harvey, Ross. Preservation in Libraries: Principles, Strategies, and Practices for Librarians. London: Bowker-Saur, 1993.

A text often used in library school programs, this book has a strong planning perspective and offers an international view of preservation planning.

Kenney, Anne R., and Deirdre C. Stam. The State of Preservation Programs in American College and Research Libraries: Building a Common Understanding and Action Agenda. Council on Library and Information Resources, Association of Research Libraries University Libraries Group, and the Regional Alliance for Preservation, 2002.

This text, which reports on quantitative and qualitative surveys completed by Kenney and Stam, includes a “snapshot” of current preservation program practices and specific recommendations for funding, collaborative activity, and digital preservation, all topics touched on in this lesson or the overall course.

Marcum, Deanna B. “Securing Preservation Funds: National and Institutional Requirements.” In To Preserve and Protect: The Strategic Stewardship of Cultural Resources. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 2002, pp. 149–54.

Marcum’s brief report on funding strategies from a symposium and publication that featured many of the leading speakers and authors in the field.

Merrill-Oldham, Jan, Carolyn Clark Morrow, and Mark Roosa. Preservation Program Models: A Study Project and Report. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1991, pp. 5–30.

A 1988–89 snapshot of preservation practices among academic research libraries that lists the components of a comprehensive preservation program, organizational models for preservation programs, and case histories of specific programs. The publication is brief but very informative.

Northeast Document Conservation Center. Preservation of Library and Archival Materials. Andover, Mass.: Northeast Document Conservation Center, 2008. Particularly Section 1, Leaflets 1, 2, and 5; Section 7, Leaflet 7.

These leaflets can be used as assigned readings or in-class handouts. The highlighted publications deal with preservation planning, assessment, and collection policies and preservation; the last focuses on working with conservators, which many preservation managers do as part of staff management or outsourcing activities.

Ogden, Sherelyn. Preservation Planning: Guidelines for Writing a Long-Range Plan. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Museums, 1998.

This publication includes forms and other resources that can be used by an institution to develop its own preservation plan.

Smith, Abby. The Future of the Past: Preservation in American Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, April 1999.

A brief but excellent paper on the past, present, and future of preservation planning and programs in the academic library environment.

Steele, Victoria, and Stephen D. Elder. Becoming a Fundraiser: The Principles and Practice of Library Development. Chicago: American Library Association, 2000.

Practical, sound advice on fund-raising, whether for preservation or other library programs, by two of the most important authors and speakers in the library development field.

Teper, Thomas H. “Current and Emerging Challenges for the Future of Library and Archival Preservation.” Library Resources and Technical Services 49, no. 1 (2005): 32–39.

An article on the key problems facing preservation programs in libraries and archives from one of the new leaders in the field.

Periodicals, Serials, and Web Sites

The instructor should be familiar with the following web sites, which represent leading associations, organizations, collaborative efforts, and research efforts.

American Institute for Conservation: Book and Paper Group Annual

American Library Association Preservation Policy

California Preservation Clearinghouse

Canadian Conservation Institute

Colorado Digitization Program

Conservation OnLine

European Commission on Preservation and Access

Heritage Preservation

Image Permanence Institute

International Preservation Issues

Library of Congress Preservation Research and Testing Division

LYRASIS. Particularly “Funding Resources for Preservation” and “Preservation Budget Planning.”

National Information Standards Organization

National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH). Particularly “The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials.”

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Regional Alliance for Preservation

Safeguarding European Photographic Images for Access (SEPIA)

University of Michigan, Division of Research, Development, and Administration. Proposal Writing Guide.