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About Audio Preservation at NEDCC

In 2014, NEDCC introduced audio preservation services for grooved media using IRENE, a “touchless” optical-scanning technology that retrieves sound without causing any damage to the original media. Building on the success of IRENE, we expanded our services to meet the growing demand for preserving magnetic and digital audio tapes.

Since then, clients have sought our high-quality, high-touch services for preserving their unique and irreplaceable collections. We are grateful to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for their support in the expansion of our Audio Preservation services.

Following accepted best practices, the purpose of NEDCC’s expanded Audio Preservation service is to create a faithful and accurate preservation surrogate of audio archival materials in their current condition. 

  • We perform 100% attended transfers (i.e., one audio engineer transfers one recording at a time).
  • Digital transfers are carried out in control rooms designed for critical listening, which allows the engineer to distinguish between the actual signal/noise of the audio content and possible artifacts of the transfer process.
  • Deliverables are inspected 100% by ear (not software) for quality control.


NEDCC offers the following audio preservation services:

Digitization of Magnetic Media

  • Open-reel 1/4 and 1/2” audio tape
  • Compact cassette
  • Mini cassette
  • Microcassette

Digitization of Grooved Media with Stylus (marked with *) and/or IRENE

  • Wax cylinder
  • Metal master disc*
  • Long-play (LP) vinyl disc*
  • Lacquer disc (a.k.a., “acetate” disc)
  • Aluminum transcription disc
  • Shellac disc*
  • Tin foil
  • Other rare formats (e.g., Voicewriter, Audograph, Soundscriber Disc, etc.)

datReformatting of Digital Media

  • Digital audio tape (DAT)
  • Compact Disc (CD)
  • MiniDisc


  • Cleaning
  • Re-housing
  • Repair of damaged carriers
  • Mitigation of “sticky shed” syndrome
  • Digital imaging and conservation of original paper-based containers and related manuscript materials (e.g., musical scores, programs, etc.)


  • Collection-level assessment of audio holdings
  • Item-level assessment of audio carriers
  • Workshops, webinars, and “preservation leaflets” on audio preservation


To drive labor costs down, the trend among for-profit vendors has been to employ automated, high-throughput workflows for audio preservation.  Such workflows call for one audio technician to NEDCC Audio Preservation Control Room 1digitize as many as 12 sound carriers at once.  Because it is not possible to simultaneously listen to and comprehend multiple recordings, quality assurance is performed after-the-fact using software to detect lost signal, etc.  Unfortunately, this approach too often results in untenable errors, such as incorrect or missing metadata; improper calibration and alignment resulting in unfaithful sound reproduction; missing audio channels; improper speeds; and missing time codes.  

As a result, many for-profit vendors are now operating on a promise of “satisfaction guaranteed” (i.e., if the client discovers an error within a short window of time, they will fix it at no extra charge) rather than “quality guaranteed” (i.e., providing quality control).  The ultimate burden for quality assurance falls on the clients, who are often unaware that they need to listen to every file for completeness and accuracy. 

While mass-production is an expedient and necessary approach for many materials, there are a large number of unique collections that demand a higher level of care and skill. 

Candidates for NEDCC's services include, but are not limited to:

  • Ethnographic field recordings
  • Oral Histories
  • Radio broadcast transcription discs
  • Live recordings of music, speeches, etc.
  • Unique recordings of historical events
  • Recordings on fragile or damaged carriers
  • Significant recordings on most-at-risk media, such as DAT and wax cylinders

Consequently, NEDCC is filling this void by providing audio preservation services using a traditional, specialized workflow supplemented by a conservation ethos. 

This workflow includes:

  • 100% attended transfers (i.e., one audio engineer transfers one recording at a time);
  • 100% quality control (i.e., the complete recording is listened to as it is being digitized and corrective action taken on the spot, as needed);
  • strict adherence to IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), FADGI (Federal Agency Digitization Guidelines Initiative), and/or NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) standards for digitization;
  • a conservation-minded digitization approach that respects the value of the physical carrier as well as its audio content;
  • strict adherence to the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) (e.g., informing clients in writing of exactly how we propose to clean any media; only using vetted techniques; and never treating such important information as “proprietary”); and
  • professional and thorough communication and documentation.

By offering this traditional approach, it is hoped that NEDCC’s nonprofit service would not take business away from existing for-profit vendors, but would be accretive to the overall effort of preserving as many audio collections as possible before they are lost to posterity because of physical deterioration.

For information on obtaining an Audio Preservation proposal

Working with Audio Preservation

For information on shipping

Packing and shipping instructions for audio media

For information on NEDCC's Courier Services

NEDCC offers courier services on a negotiated basis for clients in the northeast corridor of the US. Learn More about NEDCC’s Courier Services.

LEARN MORE about our staff

Read about the experience and qualifications of the NEDCC Audio Preservation Staff.

Follow NEDCC Stories

Read in-depth descriptions of the Audio Preservation processes and view detailed photo galleries of collections from cultural institutions, large and small, across the nation.


Need advice? Interested in working with NEDCC on an audio preservation project? Contact Bryce Roe, Director of Audio Preservation Services at (978) 470-1010, ext. 237.

Questions about receipt and return of your materials? Contact Jonathan Goodrich, Registrar, at (978) 470-1010, ext. 215.


Quantifying the Need: A Survey of Existing Sound Recordings in Collections in the United States
A 2014 study by AV Preserve and NEDCC

Visit NEDCC's Funding for Audio Preservation page for grant deadlines and application information for a variety of funding agencies.